Guardians of Transportation

In 1932 Cleveland’s Lorain-Carnegie Bridge opened featuring four 43 foot tall pylons with 2 sandstone statues on each.  These 8 sandstone statues, named the “Guardians of Transportation” and carved out of local Berea sandstone, represented the advancing technology of sources of transportation.


LorainBridge2FilmNoir1After 3 years of repairs lasting from 1980-1983 the bridge reopened and was renamed the Hope Memorial Bridge in honor of Bob Hope and his family who came to Cleveland in 1908 from England.  Bob’s father, William Henry Hope was a stonemason who worked on the bridge’s original construction.




About Kolman Rosenberg

My interest in photography began as a college newspaper and yearbook photographer during the stormy 1960s and 1970s. I was influenced by many of the great photojournalists and documentary photographers such as W. Eugene Smith, Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Gordon Parks, Margaret Bourke-White and other black and white photographers of Life Magazine and the earlier Farm Security Administration. Though many of these photographers documented the horrors of war and the plight of poverty, they also showed me the dignity and adaptability of human beings in their desire to prevail.
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9 Responses to Guardians of Transportation

  1. Patricia, Wellington Ohio says:

    Kolman these are my favorite of all time Cleveland landmarks. They are very special. The photographs you have here are wonderful. Thank you for posting this.


    • Thanks Patricia, glad you like them! I shot them over a year ago and didn’t post them because they are pretty common photos! I was looking for a different look for them and finally came up with it today!


  2. Tasha Mixon says:

    I like these specifically because they don’t seemed to be altered in any way. Do you sell copies of these?


  3. Bill Norton says:

    Mr Kohlman,

    Growing up in Cleveland, I was always amazed at the statues. I am interested in obtaining copies of the first two photos in 8.5″ x 11″. Thank you


    • Hi Bill, thank you for your comment! If you don’t mind emailing me at my regular email address about the photos, I’ll be glad to give you pricing info for the two prints. My email address is

      I look forward to hearing from you. Sorry it took so long to respond to your comment. I hadn’t checked the blog since my last posting.



  4. Tiffany Drew says:

    Mr. Rosenberg, I live in Florida but my father was born and raised in Cleveland. Because I’ve spent a good portion of my life visiting and because I love Art Deco and Art Nouveau, I’m in love with the Guardians. My dad has been trying to find prints for me for forever! I am very interested in some of your images and would like to inquire about purchasing. Thank you! Tiffany


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