Early on a Foggy Morning

I’ve often wanted to wake up and get out of the house early enough to capture some photos of fog.  I saw a photo that a friend took not too long ago, of a foggy wooded landscape, and that re-motivated me!  A few weeks ago, fog was predicted for the next morning on the evening weather report.  I set my alarm, woke up early, checked the weather and fog was indeed reported all over the local area.  I dressed and ran out only to find the fog dissipating in front of my eyes!  Last week, another forecast, and once again I awoke early, the fog was out there, I jumped in the car and ran out.  This time I was successful!

A foggy bog

This first photo was taken of a foggy bog on River Road in Willoughby Hills, OH.  I applied an oil painting filter to it in Photoshop, just to add some texture to an otherwise mostly gray scene.

Rays of sunlight through the lifting fog.

This second shot was taken as the fog was starting to lift.  I found this scene in the North Chagrin Reservation of the Cleveland Metroparks.

The third shot was captured on the edge of the foggy bog pictured above.  I saw a number of spider webs, mostly attached to unsightly road signs and poles.  But this one was attached to some of the vegetation and had a non-distracting background that I was able to blur by using a large aperture.

Foggy morning web.

The web was beautiful in the soft light of the foggy morning!

I found that shooting fog is an elusive subject.  It comes and goes quickly.  I passed up one scene thinking I would come back to it.  I came back and it was gone!  Carl Sandburg had it right when he wrote this poem, “Fog” in 1916:

The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

About Kolman Rosenberg

My interest in photography began as a college newspaper and yearbook photographer during the stormy 1960s and 1970s. I was influenced by many of the great photojournalists and documentary photographers such as W. Eugene Smith, Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Gordon Parks, Margaret Bourke-White and other black and white photographers of Life Magazine and the earlier Farm Security Administration. Though many of these photographers documented the horrors of war and the plight of poverty, they also showed me the dignity and adaptability of human beings in their desire to prevail.
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12 Responses to Early on a Foggy Morning

  1. Kathy Smith says:

    Wow, that spider web is particular spectacular!


  2. 1222cc says:

    Your photos took my breath away. Thanks again, Kolman.
    Breathless in Mentor.


  3. George Sipl says:

    Dude, these photos rock! Ok, just tried to be as colorful as the shots. Amazing stuff Kolman! Truly!


  4. Dave Brooks says:

    Absolutely beautiful work Kolman! The second image in particular for me is very nicely done!!
    A Wall Hanger for sure!!


  5. Michelle Drackett says:

    you would have had very heavy fog if you were in Mayfield Hts. this morning. Got to Euclid and POOF, blue sky and NO fog! Nice shots you have here, Kolman!

    Photography Unposed by Kolman Rosenberg wrote: > Kolman Rosenberg posted: “I’ve often wanted to wake up and get out of > the house early enough to capture some photos of fog. I saw a photo > that a friend took not too long ago, of a foggy wooded landscape, and > that re-motivated me! A few weeks ago, fog was predicted for the next” >


  6. Gorgeous photos! Thank you for sharing!


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